Basil Lovers Oval Planter
A 12 inch oval planter filled with Classic Italian Basil! Great served fresh or dried.
A 12 inch oval planter filled with Classic Italian Basil! Great served fresh or dried.
Purple, Genovese-type Basil has large, thick, down-turned leaves. Use fresh or dried.
Great for Italian cuisine. You can use it fresh or dried. When planted as a companion in the vegetable garden, it can repel aphids, mites and tomato hornworms.
Vibrant green leaves hold the scent of lime. Compact habit.
Ornamental and fragrant, basil is pungent, spicy/sweet and ideal for cooking, freezing and garnish. Reddish green foliage borne in dense mounds.
This mounding herb has rich mahogany red to purple foliage. It’s decorative, though it can also be consumed. It has a sweet spice flavor and can be used for cooking or as an ornamental herb. Likes well-drained soil.
One of the best bush basils–compact with small fragrant leaves and a good, sharp flavor Use in cooking or as an ornamental.
For fuller, more productive plants, pinch the leaves. Foliage has a spicy flavor and aroma. Use leaves fresh or dried. Use for seasoning sauces, soups, stews or any tomato dish. A MUST IN ITALIAN CUISINE. Preserve fresh by putting chopped leaves in olive oil to use for salads or other dishes.
Fairly bushy with purple stems and flowers. Stems and leaves feature a spicy licorice flavor.
Soft gray, fragrant leaves with lavender blooms. Likes sun and dry conditions.
Thrives in hot conditions. Silvery gray foliage with attractive purple flowers. Aromatic and pleasing to cats.
Aromatic, ornamental herb with finely cut foliage and daisy-like blooms. Dry for a calming tea.
This plant has onion-like leaves that will get pink flowers. Begin harvesting in Spring when first flower buds appear. Divide clumps every 2 to 3 years. Leaves and flowers may be used fresh or dried, in salads, soups, stews, sour cream, potatoes and cottage cheese.
Flat leaves and white flowers. Has a mild garlic flavor in the leaves. Excellent for borders. Flowers and leaves are popular in Chinese cuisine.
Slowest cilantro to bolt on the market. Nice, full bulky plants can be cut back more times than any other variety.
A finely serrated-leaf Cilantro, so less chopping is needed. Use as a garnish for Asian and Latin American cuisine when plants are young. Good traditional Cilantro flavor.
Extra slow to bolt, so more time to harvest.
Has pungent and aromatic leaves which are great for Indian/Asian cuisine!
A compact dill with dark green foliage that is good for container gardening.
Produces abundant foliage before setting seeds. It has a high oil content, is flavorful and fragrant.
This extra green, fern leafed cultivar gives off a strong flavor.
Silver blue, large round leaves, very fragrant with the scent of menthol and pine.
Green foliage with licorice flavored leaves, stalks and seeds. Use in breads, sweets and liquors.
Early harvest, upright, dark green ferny foliage, with a licorice flavor.
Coppery leaves and sweet flavor. No root bulb.
Lacy green foliage with licorice-flavored leaves, stalks and seeds. Bulbous.
Known for its pungent fleshy root. Has a strong and spicy flavor. Perennial.
Blue Spear has bigger and taller spikes than any of the other seed lavenders. There are more upright flower stems that stand closer together, which makes a big impact from a distance. Easy to grow!
Buchii has a loose, upright growth with grey, feathery leaves. Tall, pale violet flowers on branching spikes will appear from Spring to Fall.
Finely-divided, fern-like gray-green foliage is topped by tall spikes of small bright lavender-blue flowers. A sturdy, reliable garden performer in borders, rock gardens and containers.
Known for its fragrant, dark violet flowers, this great accent plant also features fine, silvery foliage.
Has silvery-grey, toothed-edged leaves, and tall purple flowers on stalks.
The leaves and flowers can be used fresh or dried. Use in tea, sachet, potpourri, and bath oil. Dried flowers can be used as moth repellent as well as beautiful fragrant sachets. This 10 Lavender variety is faster growing than others.
Aromatic, silvery foliage and deep lavender flowers.
Deep purple-violet flower spikes topped by showy purple petal-like bracts hover above the aromatic grey-green foliage. Lavender is deer and rabbit resistant, and stands up to summer heat and drought. A wonderful container specimen for an entryway, border or rock garden. Move it inside for the winter!
Platinum Blonde is a compact, deer resistant and highly fragrant lavender. Is great for fresh and dried bouquets!
Fragrant and prolific, with an abundance of large flowers featuring pale lavender highlights.
A Spanish Lavender that has flashy burgundy purple flags and flowers. Will flower throughout the summer.
This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. Flowers are fragrant. Average water needs.
Fragrant and elegant deep blue flowers against fine cut gray-green leaves.
Member of the mint family. EASY TO GROW. Delightful lemon fragrance. Honeybees love it and are supposed to be calmed by it. Use leaves in herb tea, jellies, sachets or potpourri. Flavor your vinegar by putting an entire stem or leaves in the container and let set. Then use on salads or dishes for added flavor.
Most fragrant variety of lemon balm available with double the oil content (up to 0.4%).
Lemongrass is native to Asian countries and is widely used as an herb and vegetable (especially in Thai cuisine). Lemongrass is primarily known for its lemon scent and flavor.
Lemon Verbena is generally acknowledged to be the most strongly scented and intense of the lemon-scented plants. Because of its scent, lemon verbena is used in making perfumes as well as a flavoring in baking, jelly and preserving. The flavor of Lemon Verbena has been likened to a cross between licorice and camphor, and it is widely used as an herbal flavoring to replace oregano, particularly in fish and poultry dishes.
You’ll be surprised by the fruity fragrance and apple flavor. Use in potpourri, drinks, candies and vegetable dishes.
Has a beguiling chocolate mint fragrance and flavor. Use for teas, custards, jellies and candies.
This mint has bright green foliage and white flowers. Use in jellies, juleps and sauces.
Leaves have a sweeter flavor over others for your favorite drinks.
True Cuban mint used in making the mixed drink Mojito. Mild and warm scent and flavor.
Large, serrated, strongly-scented leaves with purplish stems and reddish-violet flowers.
Attractive variegated foliage has a classic peppermint flavor. Excellent in potpourri, as flavoring in iced tea or used fresh in fruit compotes or salads.
Perennial herb with crinkly, dark green leaves. Grown for its aromatic and flavorful leaves. Leaves may be used in jellies, juleps, desserts, salads, and as garnish.
The petite green leaves of this compact mint variety have a wonderful fruity scent and flavor.
Pretty silver-gray foliage has a mildly spicy peppermint flavor perfect for Mediterranean dishes. Tall, huge yields.
Rounded green leaves with white flowers. Intense flavor. Hardy.
Bold flavor. Creeps like Greek Oregano. Hardy.
Pale green, rounded leaves with white to purple flowers. Flavorful.
Grown for its flavorful leaves. Harvest before flowering. Soup, sauces, stews, meat rub.
Small, aromatic leaves splashed with gold. A subtle, mild flavor.
This strain of parsley has a very strong flavor and is a favorite for fresh use and drying.
Though the leaves of all are used for flavoring meat dishes, soups, salads, etc., the curled varieties are most popular in America for this purpose and garnishing. Leaves may be cut all season for use as needed.
Needle-like leaves and soft pine aroma. Blue flowers. Great for stews and meat dishes.
Straight and strong rosemary, perfect for using as skewers on the BBQ. Great flavor and aroma.
Upright variety with dark blue flowers and thin leaves. Use fresh or dried in a variety of dishes. Use flowers for potpourri.