Amazon Mist/Frosted Curls
Candy Corn
Grass, Dwarf Papyrus
Grass, Flame
A warm season grass hardy into Zone 4. Grows about 4′ with satiny, magenta-colored foliage in late summer. Upright grower. In fall, the leaves color to a bright red-orange before fading to a silken white in winter. Forms a large clump in time. A ten-year-old specimen can be 30″ or more across.
Grass, Juncus
Grass, King Tut
Grass, Lemon Grass (East Indian)
Grass, Millet Jade Princess
Grass, Millet Purple Baron
Grass, Ogon
Grass, Pennisetum, Fireworks
Grass, Purple Fountain Grass
Grass, Red Rooster
Grass, Spiralis
Jasmine, Star
A beautiful vine prized for its very fragrant, star-shaped, white flowers, and blanket of thick, dark green foliage. Plant near a patio, terrace or entry where the fragrance can be enjoyed. A superb summer container plant for our region.
Mandevilla, Assorted
Mandevilla, also known as rock trumpet, is a tropical vine that produces large showy blooms from late spring to fall. Available in tree or trellis form. Colors include white, pink, red and Stars & Stripes.
Morning Glory, Assorted
Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue
Passionflower Vine
Passionflower Vine produces unsually showy flowers with a distinctive corona. A favorite of pollinators!