Amish Gold Slicer
Blemish free, very firm fruits with excellent flavor. Great for fresh eating and canning. Extremely productive.
Blemish free, very firm fruits with excellent flavor. Great for fresh eating and canning. Extremely productive.
An old Amish heirloom that dates back to the turn of the century! Generations have used this tomato in sauces and for canning. Full and rather unusual flavor. Said to taste the best of all paste tomatoes. Tasty, solid flesh used for stews, bottling, drying, and sauces. 8-12 oz. plum shaped fruit. Twice as big as the classic Roma tomato. Great in salsa, ketchup or spaghetti sauce. Excellent for slicing. Bright red.
Beefsteak-type, deep red and good-flavored, this late tomato has important disease resistant qualities. Bears heavily.
Easy to manage in the garden, the Beefsteak tomato has a uniform shoulder color and consistently good taste. Great slicer!
Gigantic size and gigantic taste! A meaty tomato with excellent disease and virus resistance. Deep red, round and smooth, ripening uniformly on the vine. Perfect for salads, sauces, hot dishes, or eaten straight from the vine.
The Better Boy tomato is juicy, crisp and explodes with classic tomato taste.
A very popular all-around hybrid tomato. This tomato is red and meaty. It produces high yield and has large leaves to protect the fruit from sun scald injury.
A Beefmaster type with twice the yields. It bears attractive, extra-large fruit. Disease tolerant.
Big Brandy adds a new flavor dimension to the rich complexity of its parent crosses Brandywine and Big Dwarf. Richly flavored pink beefsteak-types are great for sandwiches and salads.
Black Krim combines bold, smoky flavor and good texture with an unusual deep brown/red appearance.
This is one of the most popular and favored black tomatoes. The globe shaped fruits are crack resistant with very dark red skin. The tender, juicy fruits have a flesh color that ranges from dark red to chestnut brown. Black Prince, a true Siberian tomato, grows well in cooler climates with a flavor that is deliciously different from other tomatoes.
Brandywine, which dates back to 1885, is the heirloom tomato standard. One taste and you’ll be enchanted by its superb flavor and luscious shade of red-pink. The large fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set one or two per cluster and ripen late, but are worth the wait.
Slightly elongated little cherries with lime green and bronzy-purple stripes. Crack-resistant fruit is produced all season long on plants that are unfazed by temperature extremes. The flavor is complex but sweet.
Heavy yielding plants are exceptionally strong, bearing clusters of uniform, smooth, round, firm, bright red fruits.
This is an excellent home garden tomato. It is crack-free and highly productive under a wide range of growing conditions.
Beautiful, deep, dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very-large-sized fruit. Try this one for real tomato flavor!
Extremely early to produce fruit and continues longer than most varieties. Bright red and meaty with a lot of flavor and aroma.
One of the earliest tomatoes available. Yields a prolific crop of globular fruit all summer. Use in salads, sandwiches, hot dishes, soups and sauces.
The earliness of this tomato makes this the home gardener’s first and best choice for the most excellent early slicing tomato. It is also very delicious, which makes it even more tempting.
Pico de gallo lovers, your tomato is here! You can dice this tomato into tiny cubes that remain perfectly firm and solid yet also sweet. Large, plum-shaped, and dripless, Fresh Salsa is ideal for tasty salsas, bruschettas and light Italian sauces.
The same good looks and flavor of an Heirloom only with better yields and earlier maturity. Best in organic, well-drained soil. Water freely in dry weather.
This popular home garden variety has large, firm, meaty fruit with sweet flavor and good disease resistance. Perfect on hamburgers and sandwiches, in salads, hot dishes, soups, sauces for canning, or just eating a plate of fresh, sliced tomatoes. Bite into a taste of summer with this high yielding fresh garden tomato! Low acidity.
The wonderfully sweet fruit are crack resistant and remain in good condition on the vine longer than most cherry tomatoes. The fruit are as soft and juicy as cherry tomatoes, and they have a longer shelf life so you can keep them on hand without picking every day.
An excellent Roma tomato known for its vigor and uniformity. Bright red, meaty fruits are large and full of flavor.
Vigorous vines produce loads of deliciously sweet 1-1/2″ round tomatoes borne in clusters. Use in salads, hot dishes, soups and sauces. Try the green fruits as a pickle!
A lemon yellow, not golden, tomato variety. Extremely vigorous plants produce large harvests of attractive fruit. Flavor is outstanding–mild and sweet, yet tangy.
Developed in the 1950s for the short growing season of the Canadian prairie in Manitoba. An open pollinated early producer with excellent yield, these non-vining bushy plants produce lots of round, medium size, bright red tomatoes.
This delicious, savory heirloom tomato is generally red with gold stripes emanating in a starburst pattern from the blossom end.
Generations of gardeners have delighted in the flavorful fruit and unique color of heirloom tomatoes!! Old German is medium-large with yellow and red marbled flesh, fruity flavor and smooth texture.
Variety maintains a higher sugar content than any other grape tomato, and the sweetness doesn’t fade in late summer. Shiny red, 1″ elongated globes are produced in abundance on vigorous vines.
This colossal beefsteak type tomato can weigh up to 2 pounds! The color of the ripe fruit will stand out in your garden and in your cooking with beautiful bright yellow and red streaks. Pineapple has a mild flavor, meaty flesh, and relatively few seeds. Slice and eat with just a sprinkling of salt and basil!
Red Grapes grow in large bunches of approximately twenty fruits, and the skin is smooth, taut, firm, and glossy, showcasing bright red hues when ripe. Underneath the surface, the pale red-orange flesh is dense with a drier, meaty texture. Red Grape tomatoes are somewhat firm to the touch when ripe and have a crunchy, soft consistency with a high sugar content. The tomatoes have a sweet, tangy, and subtly earthy flavor with rich, savory-sweet notes.
Hardy, medium-sized plants yield plenty of small, red, pear-shaped, up to 2″ fruits with very few seeds. Perfect for salads, sauces or pickles.
Roma tomatoes give a large harvest of firm, thick walled fruits that are perfect for canning or making sauces.
Bright red, plum-shaped fruit. It is great for cooking, canning, and makes a wonderful tomato paste.
The biggest tomato ever bred, with heirloom tomato flavor and fragrance. One slice is all you’ll need to cover a sandwich!
Its sweet-tart flavor is simply amazing. The beautiful golden-orange fruits are borne in large clusters. The flavor develops early, so this little tomato is great for snacking a week before full maturity, when it becomes very sweet and delicious.
Sunsugar puts out hundreds of yellow cherry tomatoes that ripen to orange. Vines can grow up to 6-feet long and will bear up until frost. Perfect for snacking, salads and shishkabobs.
Smooth, solid, and meaty with absolutely delicious flavor that is a wonderful combination of sweet and acid.
Large clusters of smooth, bright, miniature fruit arise all summer long on this classic variety.
Tomatillos are tart green fruits wrapped in a papery husk. Used in fresh salsas and cooked in any number of sauces, including Mexican-style chili verde.
This magnificent variety cascades to 20″ or more, making it ideal for hanging baskets and container gardens. Sturdy plants are loaded with juicy, 1 to 2 ” fruits perfect for snacking and salads.
Large, luscious fruits are produced in huge quantities right up to the end of the season, setting a new standard for taste, size and yield. Perfect for salads, hot dishes, or eaten straight from the vine.
Gorgeous, scarlet-red, round, mid-size slicing tomato. Juicy but never mushy, the Wisconsin 55 is great for salads and sandwiches.
Very sweet, 1½” yellow, pear-shaped fruit has a mild flavor, and is great for fresh eating or for making tomato preserves. A cute addition to a charcuterie board!
This mild and sweet tomato is a prolific producer for perfect snacks on the go!