Ninebark, Raspberry Lemonade™
The perfect ninebark for smaller spaces and urban gardens, with a compact, dense, mounding habit that needs minimal pruning. Fine-textured, bright chartreuse foliage greets spring, quickly filling in to provide a lush backdrop for abundant white flowers in summer, followed by a stunning display of ornamental coral-red fruits. Deciduous.
Peony, Itoh Caroline Constabel
Large, cupped, light reddish-pink, fully double flowers with dark flares and a mild fragrance. Each sturdy, upright stem supports three to five stunning bomb-like blooms that rise above the vigorous bushy plant with lush, dark green foliage that remains attractive until fall. A very showy, prolific peony. An herbaceous perennial.
Peony, Itoh Duchesse de Lorraine
Very large, wonderfully fragrant, bright yellow, double, dense bomb-like blooms on strong stems rise above a lush deep green foliage. Truly the first fully double yellow Itoh peony. The sturdy stems will not require staking. An excellent spring specimen for sunny gardens and shrub borders. An herbaceous perennial.
Peony, Itoh Keiko™ (Adored)
Large, semi-double to double, lightly fragrant flowers on strong stems above a compact mound of dark green foliage. Dark lavender-pink petals mature and fade to a soft pink, revealing a cluster of yellow stamens in the center. Prefers full sun to dappled shade. Hybridized by Don Smith, a leading Itoh Peony breeder. An herbaceous perennial.
Peony, Itoh Oochigeas
The exquisite double blooms of this prized Itoh peony are a beautiful fusion of creamy apricot-pink petals uniquely painted with purple flares that mellow into lighter shades. Vigorous, lush, dark green foliage supports sturdy stems that require no staking. The cut flowers add pure romance to any spring bouquet. An herbaceous perennial.
Peony, Itoh Sequestered Sunshine
Large, bright canary yellow blossoms with showy stamens stand above the lush, dark green, deeply dissected foliage. An especially vigorous plant, the sturdy flower stems require no staking and make excellent cut flowers. An herbaceous perennial.
Plum, Double Flowering
A handsome, hardy, vigorous large shrub or small tree. Double pink, 1″ flowers in April and May. Prefers rich well-drained soils.
Potentilla, ‘Verna’
Abundant, tiny golden-yellow flowers on vigorous, low growing plant. Deer resistant
Potentilla, CheeseHead
Bright, enthusiastic blossoms that are a standout from the crowd! Finely textured, dark green foliage with an abundance of big yellow flowers from spring until late summer on a neat, compact, low-maintenance, deer and rabbit resistant shrub with a dense habit. A wonderful choice for adding a shock of color to the summer landscape. Deciduous.
Potentilla, Dakota Sunspot®
An excellent introduction from North Dakota State University. Compact variety with deep golden, 1″ flowers produced profusely all season.
Potentilla, First Editions Marmalade
Potentilla fruticosa ‘Jefmarm’
Bred by Dr. Wilbert Ronald at Jeffries Nursery near Winnipeg, Canada, you can be assured this potentilla is going to handle all that winter can throw at it. An intense shade of orange with a double flowered form. Very tight habit with dark green foliage, it blooms from early summer through fall and handles tough conditions. Deer resistant.
Potentilla, First Editions® Crème Brûlèe
Add a pop of white to the landscape with this double flowering potentilla. Bright white flowers adorn this rounded shrub throughout the entire summer. Dark green foliage contrasts beautifully with the flowers. Introduced by Bailey Nurseries, Inc.
Potentilla, First Editions® Mandarin Tango
The 1 single round flowers are a lovely shade of orange with just a hint of red in them that comes from the parent Red Robin. Beautifully compact, it forms a rounded shrub reaching only 2-3′ in height and spread, making it perfect for the foundation. How many shrubs do we have that bloom all summer like Potentilla? Deer resistant.”
Potentilla, Gingersnap™
Potentilla, Mango Tango®
This exciting potentilla from the University of Manitoba has striking bicolor flowers that display shades of orange and red radiating from the center of the flower petal over a base color of deep yellow. The red of the flowers intensifies during cooler weather; conversely, hot weather may signal a softening of the color. Mango Tangoâ„¢ forms a tidy, compact mound and is at its best in full sun.
Potentilla, Pink Beauty
Pussy Willow, Discolor
Hardiest of the pussy willows. Large shrub or small tree up to 20 feet with silvery catkins appearing before leaves. Deep brown branches.
Raspberry, Boyne
Bears fruit after 1 year. Medium sized berries, is winter hardy, and is great for freezing and jams. Aromatic and sweet flavor.
Raspberry, Heritage
The classic Heritage is the best fall crop selection! This ever-bearing vine produces a moderate summer crop, followed by an abundant fall harvest of sweet berries. Unlike some, the fruit will not fall to pieces if picking is delayed a day or two; it stays firm and juicy. Excellent flavor for eating fresh or in jams. Deciduous.
Raspberry, Latham
Bears fruit after 1 year. Medium to large size berries, great for commercial and home use. Is winter hardy.
Raspberry, Souris
Souris is an improved red, summer-bearing raspberry. Compared to the old standard Boyne, Souris is slightly sweeter, more productive, and has better spider mite resistance.
Rhododendron, Boursault Catawba
Rhododendron, Candy Lights Azalea
Another tough azalea from the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Candy Lightsâ„¢ has intense lavender-purple blossoms and flowers earlier than most others in the Lights Series. It has also been shown to have improved vigor and mildew resistance. Prefers full sun to light shade and an acidic soil.
Rhododendron, First Editions® Electric Lights Double Pink
From the deciduous azalea breeding program at the University of Minnesota, this is the first double-flowered form, and it is a beauty! In spring, double pink, fragrant flowers smother the plant in color. Soft green foliage turns a good burgundy in the fall. Plants form an upright mound in the landscape and tolerate full sun to part shade. Flower buds are hardy to -30°F. Introduced by Bailey Nurseries, Inc.
Rhododendron, Lemon Lights Azalea
Another fine azalea from the breeding work at the University of Minnesota. The flower is a beautiful yellow, almost bicolor, with both a lighter shade of yellow on the outer edges of the petals and a more gold-toned throat of the flower—quite striking. This cultivar has great powdery mildew resistance and nice maroon-bronze fall color.
Rhododendron, Mandarin Lights Azalea
A release from the azalea program at the University of Minnesota. Blooms in early spring with bright, mandarin orange blossoms before it leafs out for summer. Fall foliage is an attractive bronze.
Rhododendron, Mandarin Lights Azalea Orange
A release from the azalea program at the University of Minnesota. Blooms in early spring with bright, mandarin orange blossoms before it leafs out for summer. Fall foliage is an attractive bronze.
Rhododendron, Nova Zembla
Rhododendron, P.J.M. Group
One of the hardiest rhododendrons for the upper midwest. Masses of mauve flowers bloom in spring, putting on a spectacular show. An evergreen with glossy green foliage throughout the growing season, changing to a pleasing purple in the fall. Needs acid, moist, well-drained soil for best performance.
Rhododendron, Roseum Elegans
Rhododendron, Rosy Lights Azalea
Rosy Lights is a dark rose-pink. A spectacular display of fragrant flowers is produced in late May or early June. Flower buds are winter hardy to -45°F. From the University of Minnesota.
Rhubarb, Chipman’s Canada Red
Bright red stems are delicious for sauces and pies. One of the sweetest of the red rhubarb. Perennial.
Rose Eau de Parfum Bling
Rosa ‘Noa16079’
Big, delightfully fragrant blooms provide the classic romance of roses with the added benefit of disease resistance brought to you by modern breeding. Fuchsia blooms form a lovely bud, then slowly unfurl to its full glory. The lush foliage makes these excellent shrubs in the garden. Blooming repeatedly from early spring until first frost, you’ll be provided with plenty of roses for bouquets. Deciduous.
Rose Flower Carpet Amber
Rosa x ‘NOA97400A’
A profusion of soft red rosebuds open to lovely, semi-double, peachy amber blooms, that fade to a seashell pink as they age. The blossoms are fragrant – a first for the Flower Carpet® series of easy care groundcover roses! Excellent heat and humidity tolerance. Beautiful in containers, or in mass plantings in the landscape. Deciduous.
Rose, Flower Carpet® Pink Supreme
Rose, Flower Carpet® Scarlet
Rose, Red Drift® Groundcover
Rose, Apricot Drift® Groundcover
Rose, East Elegance®Sunrise Sunset
As the name implies, Sunrise Sunset is a stunning blend, with bright fuchsia-pink petals blending to apricot near the centers. Blue-green foliage is disease-resistant on this everblooming shrub rose. Its dense, spreading habit makes it an ideal ground cover and is also well suited to mass plantings. Performs extremley well in cooler and warmer regions of the country. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance Kashmir
Rosa ‘BAImir’
Resembling a hybrid tea rose, the velvety red blossoms are as soft as cashmere and beg to be cut for the vase. With an evenly rounded habit, Kashmir fits perfectly into today’s urban landscapes. Try this bold accent plant in the border, foundation or as a low hedge, hugging paths and walkways. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance® Coral Cove
Please contact us for pricing details. Incredible color, petite size, super disease resistant, what more could you want? This ever-blooming gem has double blooms whose outer petals are dark pink, changing to orange and finally to bright yellow at the center. The small, perfectly rounded form would make it an outstanding informal hedge along a walkway or garden path. The color is so easy to combine it should have a place in every perennial border. Highly disease resistant and own root. Portland Rose Society Best Shrub Rose 2014.
Rose, Easy Elegance® High Voltage
Shockingly beautiful clusters of double yellow blossoms are held high on sturdy canes. Super clean foliage complements the fragrant blooms. Upright, vase-shaped habit will stand up in the back of the border or stand out as an accent. Portland Rose Society Best Shrub Rose 2010. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance® Music Box
An exhibition of color, Music Box sings with double blooms of creamy yellow centers surrounded by delicate pink blends. An ever-blooming mound of blossoms sits atop glossy medium green foliage that is resistant to disease. An ideal accent that will bring harmony to your garden. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance® Oscar Peterson
Bred in Canada, and named after the famous Canadian jazz pianist and composer Oscar Peterson, this new rose is not only tough, it’s beautiful. Blooming from early summer through fall, the semi-double flowers start out a shade of soft yellow cream that soon turn to bright white with a contrasting center of golden yellow stamens. The flowers are arranged in sprays and the spent petals always fall cleanly from the plant. The foliage is dark rich green with excellent disease resistance. It has an upright habit, being slightly taller than wide. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance® Screaming Neon Red
Intense color, superior performance. Screaming Neon Redâ„¢ is sure to be a standout for any garden. With vibrant flower power and repeat blooms throughout the season, this compact rose is the perfect choice as an accent or mass planting. Remarkably rich, disease-resistant, dark green foliage provides the perfect backdrop to neon-red blooms. Foliage turns a lovely burgundy-red in fall. Own root.
Rose, Easy Elegance®Paint the Town
Wonderful clusters of red hybrid tea-shaped blooms carpet this rose from head to foot. Glossy, dark green foliage accents the red perfectly and highlights the incredible flower effect all season long. The even spreading-to-mounded habit is as well-suited to container gardening as it is to the border. Highly disease-resistant. Own root.
Rose, First Editions® Above and Beyond
This is a truly unique climbing rose for cold climates. Above and Beyond™ combines extreme cane hardiness, reliable spring flowering, vigorous growth and a unique color in hardy roses. Orange flower buds open in prolific clusters of five or more apricot colored semi-double to double flowers. Plants bloom in mid-to-late spring with sporadic repeat flowering in summer. With extreme cane hardiness, Above and Beyond™ can be a climber or a nice large free standing shrub in colder regions where plant dieback from cold is not an issue. Very resistant to fungal diseases. Bred by Dr. David Zlesak.
Rose, First Editions® Above Campfire
An exciting rose from the Canadian Artist Rose series, Campfire has exceptional hardiness combined with eye-catching blooms & bright glossy foliage. Shapely buds with yellow & red tones open to semi-double flowers of yellow, edged in a deep rosy pink. As the season progresses, the pink edging becomes more prominent and produces an incredible smoldering blend of yellow and deep pink blooms that continue until frost. Dark green glossy foliage has excellent disease resistance; stems are smooth with only the occasional short thorns. Named in honor of Tom Thomson, one of the foremost artist in Canadian history.
Rose, Flower Carpet® Red
Rose, Flower Carpet® Yellow
Rose, Grace N’ Grit Pink
Upright bouquets of beautiful, pink, double roses on a fuss-free shrub that will endure the trials of a long, hot summer with an unwavering blooming zeal. This own-root rose has outstanding disease resistance, is self-cleaning, and has proven to thrive coast to coast in heat and humidity as well as dry, hot summers. A dynamic hedge, barrier, or accent plant. Deciduous.
Rose, Grace N’ Grit White
Upright bouquets of beautiful, fully double, white roses on fuss-free shrubs that will endure the trials of a long, hot summer with an unwavering blooming zeal. This own-root rose has outstanding disease resistance, is self-cleaning, and has proven to thrive coast to coast in heat and humidity as well as dry, hot summers. A dynamic hedge, barrier, or accent plant. Deciduous.
Rose, Grace N’ Grit™ Red Shrub
Rose, Grace N’ Grit™ Yellow Shrub
Upright bouquets of gorgeous, clean, yellow, double roses on a fuss-free shrub that will endure the trials of a long, hot summer with an unwavering blooming zeal. This own-root rose has outstanding disease resistance, is self-cleaning, and has proven to thrive coast to coast in heat and humidity as well as dry, hot summers. A dynamic hedge, barrier, or accent plant. Deciduous.
Rose, Grace N’ Grit™ Yellow Shrub
Rose, Nitty Gritty White
Rose, Nitty Gritty™ Peach
Rose, Nitty Gritty™ Pink
Not just a pretty face, this very durable, own-root, fuss-free groundcover rose produces an abundance of lovely blooms while offering excellent disease resistance and a self-cleaning, easy-to-care-for habit. The magenta-pink double blooms provide astonishing warm season color, adding great low-maintenance curb appeal to the landscape. Deciduous.
Rose, Nitty Gritty™ Yellow
Not just a pretty face, this very durable, own-root, fuss-free groundcover rose produces an abundance of lovely, fragrant blooms while offering excellent disease resistance and a self-cleaning, easy-to-care-for habit. The yellow double blooms provide sensational warm season color, adding great low-maintenance curb appeal to the landscape. Deciduous.
Rose, Purple Pavement
The bright green foliage of this rose has excellent disease resistance and forms a nice mounded plant well suited for use in mass plantings or as a colorful low hedge. Flowers are a purplish red with bright yellow stamens. With the approach of autumn, intensely fragrant blooms are replaced by colorful dark red hips. Own root.
Rose, Snow Pavement
The fragrant blooms of this tough rose open from full pink buds to lovely white flowers that retain just a tinge of pink. The rugose, disease-resistant foliage is dark green and provides a subtle backdrop for informal flowers. In autumn, it is graced with large red hips that add a wonderful element to the fall and winter garden. Own root.
Rose, William Baffin
From June until hard frost, the thick upright canes of this Explorer Series rose are covered with clusters of up to 30 informal blooms of strawberry pink highlighted by stamens of bright yellow. Hardy, vigorous, and resistant to pests and disease, this handsome climber has small red-orange rose hips that carry it into winter. Own root.
Sand Cherry, Purpleleaf
Grown from cuttings, which eliminates troublesome suckers. Flowers in the spring are pink and fragrant. Very hardy. Excellent accent plant. Own root.