Bergenia Cordifolia, Red Beauty
Please contact us for pricing details. Beautiful year-round, hardy perennial with evergreen foliage and deep purplish-red flowers.
Please contact us for pricing details. Beautiful year-round, hardy perennial with evergreen foliage and deep purplish-red flowers.
Please contact us for pricing details. Masses of small, flat-faced, yellow daisies with short, wide petals and dark centers.
At last, a hybrid Black-Eyed Susan that thrives in wet, humid climates! Slender, fuzzy, disease-resistant leaves cover a compact, rounded form, with masses of classic gold and black blooms providing color right up until frost. A must for sunny perennial borders and cutting gardens. An herbaceous perennial.
Please contact us for pricing details. Long-living miniature flowers in a rich gold with dark black centers creating a great contrast.
Please contact us for pricing details. Perennial Plant of the Year. Hardiest variety, yellow, daisy-like flowers with dark centers, re-seeds.
Blooms have apricot centers surrounded by a brilliant golden-yellow on uniform compact plants. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
Deep crimson blooms are produced on compact plants that flowers continuously. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
Large, boldly colored, fiery-red flowers edged with a ring of vivid yellow, on a compact, heat and drought tolerant plant. The reliable summer-long blooms make a great impact in landscape or containers. A must-have for sunny beds and borders. Spent flower heads attract goldfinches. An herbaceous perennial.
Twice the flower power with a much more dense, rounded habit than others. A carefree perennial with vibrant flowers that bloom nearly nonstop all season. Perfect for hot sunny borders and cutting gardens.
Copper-orange flowers with glowing yellow tipped petals. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
A prolific display of bright flowers that is sure to enhance sunny beds and borders. Warm red blooms with a dramatic dark center sit just above compact clumps of green foliage. Blooms start in late spring, but the real show is put on in late summer into fall. Sturdy and heat tolerant – perfect for waterwise gardens. An herbaceous perennial.
A prolific display of bright flowers that is sure to enhance sunny beds and borders. Warm red blooms with a dramatic dark center sit just above compact clumps of green foliage. Blooms start in late spring, but the real show is put on in late summer into fall. Sturdy and heat tolerant – perfect for waterwise gardens. An herbaceous perennial.
Vivid golden foliage on large open plants can be used for contrast and to brighten darker shade gardens. Traditional heart-shaped pink flowers dangle from long wands above the leaves. Perfect for woodland gardens and under larger shade trees. An herbaceous perennial.
A superb perennial with a long blooming season. Delicate clusters of cherry red buds on long stalks open to reddish-pink flowers from spring through summer. Finely cut blue-green foliage forms neat, tidy clumps. Place in woodland gardens and shaded perennial borders. Tolerates full sun with adequate moisture.
Please contact us for pricing details. Dainty, heart-shaped flowers dangle from 2-3′ stems in late spring. Lovely in front of ferns or anywhere in a woodland garden.
Please contact us for pricing details. This spectacular selection of an old classic boasts white heart-shaped flowers and handsome lime-green foliage. Tall stems emerge and produce dangling clusters of white blossoms in early spring.
A garden favorite for years with long racemes of heart-shaped pink flowers. Blooms from mid-spring to June. Moist, well-drained soil. Foliage dies back in mid-summer, so mix with hostas, astilbes, and ferns.
Please contact us for pricing details. The bold red, white-tipped, heart-shaped, 1 flowers on arching stems are sure to brighten the shade garden when they bloom in mid spring and summer. Valentine Dicentra grows 28-32″ tall, with a similar spread.”
White, heart-shaped flowers from May to June. Moist, well-drained soil. Foliage dies back in mid-summer, so mix with hostas, astilbes, and ferns.
A dependable plant for use in borders and along pathways. The dense, clump-forming, grassy-textured foliage forms neat green tufts topped by a profusion of bright, rosy red flower heads on stiff, upright stems. A wonderful rock garden accent or container plant. An herbaceous perennial.
Please contact us for pricing details. 2010 Perennial Plant of Year. Indigo-blue spikes of pea-like flowers on bushy green foliage.
Small, golden yellow flowers completely cover this hardy, ground-hugging shrub. Selected for its ability to withstand some foot traffic with greater resistance to breakage. Ideal for northern gardens in borders, rock gardens, or as a groundcover for embankments. Deciduous.
Produces masses of showy, golden yellow, daisy-like flowers from July to mid-October. Goldfinches love the seeds. Vigorous. Fertile, loose soil. Perennial Plant of the Year for 1999. Pride of KS Plants 2002.
Brilliant silver leaves with contrasting green veins are distinctive and eye-catching in shaded beds and woodland gardens. Clusters of tiny blue flowers provide additional color in the spring. Use en masse to create a shimmering groundcover or use individually as a garden accent. An herbaceous perennial.
Please contact us for pricing details. Purplish-bronze, ferny foliage contrasts beautifully with fragrant, creamy, white flowers, stately, impressive background for shady areas.
Clumps of grassy, gray-green leaves with blue daisy-like flowers. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
Please contact us for pricing details. The darkest red Carnation available with double, fragrant flowers on strong, erect stems.
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Novanepjun’
A superb compact selection with finely textured, aromatic, gray-green foliage and soft, lavender flower spikes on a low, spreading habit. A sterile dwarf form of Walker’s Low Catmint. Excellent for cascading off walls or container edges and as groundcover that tolerates periodic drought, when well-established. An herbaceous perennial.
A purr-fect Catmint for fans of ‘Cat’s Meow’ who love the look but want a smaller version. In addition to being a little over half the height, ‘Cats Pajamas’ also blooms about 2-3 weeks earlier. The ball-shaped habit carries long, dark flower stems that hold indigo blue flowers. Unlike older varieties that only produce flowers at the top of the stems, this improved Catmint has blooms from the soil to the tips of the stems. Even when the flowers are past peak, the color of the rosy purple calyxes gives your garden an additional splash of color. As an added bonus, the small, aromatic leaves keep deer and rabbits away.
The beautiful green-grey foliage really sets off the lavender-blue flowers of this catmint. Blooms almost all season long, average garden soils. Will benefit from some light shearing after the first flush of flowers in early summer. Perennial Plant of the Year in 2007.
Rich blue flowers in a unique shape make this perennial a favorite. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
Fragrant, red blooms above loose clumps of fleshy leaves. Attracts butterflies and is deer resitant.
Please contact us for pricing details. 2006 Perennial Plant of the Year. A profusion of fragrant magenta-pink blooms over blue-green foliage.
Chelone hybrid ‘Armtipp02’
Showy red-stemmed spikes of pink, turtle-head shaped flowers emerge above clumps of glossy dark green, deer-resistant foliage. A compact variety perfect along a pond or stream edge or in a moist perennial border. An herbaceous perennial.
Snapdragon-like bright hot pink flowers rest over a sturdy dark green foliage on square stems. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant.
Please contact us for pricing details. Best grown in organically rich, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade.
Uniform mounding habit of lobed leaves that produce orange-bronze blooms. Attracts butterflies.
Clematis hybrid ‘Evipo041’
This prolific, compact climber offers a profusion of large, pink flowers with dark pink bars in spring and again in late summer. Supplies beautiful vertical interest to any garden fence or trellis. A great choice for containers, small spaces, or simply left unsupported allowing it to meander through shrub beds. Deciduous.
A compact very free flowering clematis. It produces an abundance of bright pink flowers that are 3-4 inches. A very striking clematis when in full bloom. Acropolis blooms June-September is very showy.
As the name suggests, a very unusual 3″ red flower with pink petaloid stamens giving the impression of a double flower and protruding trumpet. Very free flowering. and blooms July-September. Part of the “Evison/Poulsen Festoon Collection”.
This stunner produces masses of large light blue flowers with contrasting red anthers. It’s amazing how many flowers it puts out in one blooming! Can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Blooms June through September
This is an early large flowered cultivar, lilac blue with a fountain like center. It is an exciting new cultivar with an unusual 4-5″ double flower. It is compact, free and repeat flowering, also suitable for growing in a container, on trellises as well as through small shrubs. Blooms June-September.
An exceptional, free-flowering clematis with 4-6″ pom-pom like blue/purple double flowers. Diamantina has many flowers on each stem and each flower last up to 4 weeks. Repeat flowering throughout the summer. This double clematis far outperforms any other double clematis currently available!
Diana’s Delight has beautiful, rich blue colored flowers with light and dark tones and a creamy yellow center. This lovely clematis has a very free flowering habit. Blooms June through early September. Stunning!
Compact and free flowering clematis. Each flower has 6-10 sepals, giving it a semi double appearance. Flowers are purple with a darker reddish purple central bar. Blooms June-August.
An award winning and very reliable clematis cultivar valued for its large, open, magenta-pink flowers. Train to climb along trellis, arbor or fencing, or leave unsupported to ramble through medium to tall shrubs. Creates an excellent vertical effect in smaller spaces and containers. Deciduous.
The most popular of the clematis vines. Showy, deep violet-purple flowers are slightly broader than those of C. ‘Jackmanii’ and will cover this climbing vine throughout most of the summer. An excellent vine for adding vertical interest to the landscape on a fence or trellis, or along rock walls. Deciduous.
The most profuse blooming dark purple Clematis. June, July and September blooming.
This variety has flowers with 6-8 base petals which are almost bronze, tinged with green and a darker bar. Inner petals are lilac with pink bar. As the flower ages the base petals fall away giving a pom-pom effect. Blooms June-August
Very free flowering clematis with stunning dark red flowers and dark red anthers. Flowers are 5″ in size. Blooms June-August & September.
Has attractive, blue single and sometimes semi-double blooms with overlapping petals and yellow anthers. It flowers off the new and old growth. Very free and repeat flowering, producing flower buds from the leaf axils and end of stems
A superb repeat blooming clematis that performs so well year after year. Compact, free flowering produces an abundance of pale violet flowers that are 4″ across with wavy-edged petals and attractive red anthers. Bloom time early summer to late autumn
Exquisite, two-toned, pale pink and red-violet flowers with light purple-pink sepals. Blooms continuously from top to bottom, first as double blooms, and later in the season as single blooms. Use this compact vine to add vertical interest to a fence or trellis, or simply allow to meander through shrub beds. Ideal size for containers. Deciduous.
Striking, deep reddish pink, tulip-shaped flowers with cream and maroon stamens bloom continuously from summer into early autumn. A classic vine for fences, walls and arbor posts. Exceptional as a rambling groundcover in beds and borders. Deciduous.
An Evison/Poulsen cultivar with very large flowers that are stunningly bright red (almost scarlet) with creamy yellow anthers. It is exceptionally free-flowering. Blooms May-June and August
This stunning new clematis’ first flowers are a deep, two-toned rose color. Flowers then take on a multitude of pink shades all blooming at the same time. As the flower fades, it has a two toned lavender/pink flower. The dramatic burgundy anthers add to the beauty of this clematis. It is very free flowering and blooms all along the stem. Blooms June through September. This new cultivar is Mark Donahue’s second clematis introduction and is named after his grandmother, Rosalie. We are certain this impressive clematis will be sought after for greenhouse production and gardens.
A light pink clematis with a deep pink central bar. Each flower has six to seven pointed petals with light brown contrasting anthers. It flowers abundantly from June-September. Very good repeat flowering plant.
This unique clematis has long lasting dark purple blooms that fade to deep blue with dark purple to black anthers. It is continuous bloomer June-September. it can be trained as a climber, grown as a shrubby ground cover with no support, It can be grown in partial shade.
This distinct, attractive pink clematis almost seems to glow. The mass of flower appear from late spring until late Autumn. It produces flowers at the base of the plant and on new growth often producing a top to bottom flowering effect. Can be grown in full sun or part shade.
Finally a clematis like Sweet Autumn but only better! Sweet Summer Love gives a sweet fragrance and ease of growth. It has striking star like, multi-colored blooms of cranberry & violet that bloom earlier and longer than the traditional white Sweet Autumn. This ‘Proven Winner’ requires a PW pot & label for each plant purchased.
The vibrant, 6″ cerise pink flowers are stunning. It has a lovely bushy growth with mid-green foliage. Remains neat and compact making it well suited for patio containers. Bloom time May/June and again in August.
Deep purple with purple anthers. Continuous bloomer and does not fade in the sun. Large 7-8″ flowers bloom June-September
An exceptional and attractive free flowering plant which is great for the smaller garden due to its compact habit. Tranquilite’s subtle colors make it a superb plant for growng in a shaded area. Blooms late spring to late summer