Strawberry, Fort Laramie
AN everbearing plant with large berries! Highly productive all season and is great for container and hanging baskets.
AN everbearing plant with large berries! Highly productive all season and is great for container and hanging baskets.
Is a June bearing plant and ripens mid-season. High yield over a long fruiting season, making it our most consistent berry producer. Bears fruit 1 year after planting. Easy to grow. Good for freezing and saving for later. #1 selling plant!
Fresh eating, pies, jams and jellies. Everbearing.
Most popular everbearing strawberry plant. Large berries, great for freezing, canning, or fresh table use.
Seascape is highly productive over a long season, yielding large, delicious berries with excellent flavor. This ever-bearing strawberry has good disease resistance and produces well in cool climates.
A June bearing plant, best for jams and freezing. Bears fruit 1 year after planting and has medium sized berries. Excellent choice for home gardens.